Systems Engineer || Entrepreneur || Dedicated Mentor || Master Tinkerer

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Radu Popescu

As a teenager, I refused to volunteer for the Romanian communist party. As a result, the communists and their acolytes then kicked me out of school. I went to herd sheep to find peace in the ancestral ways of my people. Years later, I learned to fly NASA spacecraft, design and manage complex systems, and lead heterogenous teams to support a broad range of space systems, engineering, and business process applications. 

I learned to see the big picture and adapt the tasks at hand continuously, while specializing enough in many areas to understand how they fit in the grand scheme. Peers started calling me a systems engineer, and given the history of this discipline, it seemed to fit. 

Systems is a subject matter more about people than things. When we feel stuck, chances are we have become overspecialized and less capable of seeing the big picture from the peak of the unique domain knowledge we are naturally wedged into. Getting unstuck is quite a challenge without an outsider's perspective. 

I am the multi-disciplinary outsider that makes the real difference. Get in touch.

Yes, I climbed that mountain, and you can, too. Metaphorically, how I climbed that mountain is loosely described in David Epstein's Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World (, one of the most important books of our generation (no affiliation). I highly recommend this book to better prepare for the complex information world we are building.